Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Beautiful 6 Month Old Baby Girl!!!

You know its so amazing how fast little kids grow. I took Jasmine to the doctor today for her 6 month well check she is weighing 17.2 lbs her head size is 17 and she weighs 27lbs so she was full of 7's today. she did have to get shots and she was not a very happy camper after words. she was in so much pain. I got her home and gave her some tylenol and put her down for a nap. she was much happier after her nap she wasnt as sore. Well anyways she has learned to roll over, sit up, and crawl all on her own. She also has her bottom two teeth coming in. So she is growing like a weed and i am enjoing every minute i can with her!!


  1. She is getting so big!! I feel like we never see her i know we do but it is never enough!! love you

  2. Kristina, The picture below Jasmine with baseball cap, I see Brysen in her smile and I see tim around in her eyes & nose area. She is a cutie and getting so big.
