Saturday, May 23, 2009


So I figured this whole blogging thing out. I thought well since i dont live at home and my mom doesn't really know whats going on anymore then i thought I might as well start my own. Well right now i am working a burger king and thinking about going back to school. I am graduating from Clearfield High school on June 4th so im very excited for that. Jasmine is getting so big she will be 3 months on May 27th. Last time she was weighing in at 12lbs 12ozs and she is about 23 1/2 inches long so she is getting pretty big. Timm is just trying to finish his classes up so he can get in the army and get to basic training. He is looking forward to that alot. Well i will keep everyone updated with everything that goes on.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world!!! Love ya

  2. linda a foto so nao sei si vc vai entender um abraço
